Breakfast series
Swiss Know-How in Alternative Investments
Focus Private Markets
19. April im Hotel Baur au Lac Zürich
SPHERE organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Allianz Schweizerischer Vermögensverwalter und der Technologieplattform SMAT eine Reihe von Frühstücksseminare, die sich mit alternativen Anlagen und Privatanlagen befassen.
Für schweizerische Vermögensverwalter und Family Offices ist es von zentraler Bedeutung, dass sie in ihrer Asset Allokation mehr Platz für nicht börsenkotierte Anlagen schaffen können: Immobilien, Hedge-Fonds, Private Equity, Private Debt, Infrastruktur. Dies gilt erst recht in Zeiten steigender Zinsen.
Um Sie bei der Suche nach soliden Lösungen zu unterstützen, stellt Ihnen SPHERE Asset Manager vor, die sich in diesen Nischen mit relevanten Produkten positioniert haben.
08:30 Begrüßung und Austausch bei einem Frühstück
- Views from the CIO: What is behind recent Bitcoin and crypto-assets performances and what to expect next?
Samir Kerbage, Chief Investment Officer, Hashdex - Deep dive into primary and secondaries private credit
Lucas Hunter, Investment Specialist, Private Debt, Tikehau Capital
09:40 Networking time
10:30 Ende der Veranstaltung
Hashdex is a global asset manager with a focus on crypto assets index investment products – and in Europe, provider of Swiss ETPs. Hashdex has established itself as a pioneer and leader in the industry, and offers a diverse range of regulated products across different regions, including funds, ETFs, and ETPs.
Samir Kerbage, Hashdex’s CIO, holds a degree in Computer Engineering from IME. With a decade in financial infrastructure, he shaped projects at Americas Trading Group like ATS Brasil and MTB, Brazil’s largest electronic trading platform. He founded a High Frequency Trading company and served as a Military Engineer Officer at the Brazilian Army.
Tikehau Capital is a global alternative asset management group with €43.2 billion of assets under management (at 31 December 2023). Tikehau Capital has developed a wide range of expertise across four asset classes (private debt, real assets, private equity and capital markets strategies) as well as multi-asset and special opportunities strategies. Tikehau Capital is a founder led team with a differentiated business model, a strong balance sheet, proprietary global deal flow and a track record of backing high quality companies and executives. Deeply rooted in the real economy, Tikehau Capital provides bespoke and innovative alternative financing solutions to companies it invests in and seeks to create long-term value for its investors, while generating positive impacts on society. Leveraging its strong equity base (€3.2 billion of shareholders’ equity at 31 December 2023), the firm invests its own capital alongside its investor-clients within each of its strategies. Controlled by its managers alongside leading institutional partners, Tikehau Capital is guided by a strong entrepreneurial spirit and DNA, shared by its 758 employees (at 31 December 2023) across its 15 offices in Europe, Middle East, Asia and North America. Tikehau Capital is listed in compartment A of the regulated Euronext Paris market (ISIN code: FR0013230612; Ticker: TKO.FP).
Lucas Hunter joined the Group in June 2023 as Investment Specialist for Private Debt strategies, based in London. Lucas has 12 years’ experience across consulting, private equity and credit, both in investing and business development. Prior to joining Tikehau, Lucas held a similar position at Alcentra within European Direct Lending.
Frühstücksseminare, die sich mit alternativen Anlagen und Privatanlagen befassen.
19. April 2024
8:30 – 10:30
im Baur au Lac
Talstrasse 1, 8001 Zürich
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich der Anlass nur an professionelle Investoren richtet.
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The Swiss Financial Arena
Depuis sa création en 2016, SPHERE anime la communauté des pairs de la finance suisse. Elle leur propose en français et en allemand différents espaces d’échange avec un magazine, des hors-série réservés aux Institutionnels, un site web et des évènements organisés tout au long de l’année pour aborder de nombreuses thématiques. Toutes les parties prenantes de la finance, l’un des plus importants secteurs économiques de Suisse, ont ainsi à leur disposition une plateforme où il leur est possible d’échanger, de s’informer et de progresser.

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