Breakfast organised by SILEX & SPHERE with the exceptional participation of Bloomberg

Will Artificial Intelligence replace 
Wealth Managers ?

Breakfast Conference – September 27th, 2023
Baur au Lac Hotel, Zurich

Alexis de Bernis and Gary Kazantsev will discuss why Generative Pre-trained Transformers could be the game-changing technology that Wealth Managers have been waiting for to streamline their customer journey, boost digital advisory, and automate tedious tasks.

AI, a wealth manager’s best friend?


Alexis de Bernis                                            Gary Kazantsev                                             
Chief Technology Officer                   Head of Quant Technology Strategy, Office of the CTO
SILEX                                                         Bloomberg LP






27th of September 2023


From 8:30 to 10:30


Baur au Lac Hotel, Zurich


This event is reserved for professional investors.
Registration before September 25th: via the button below, by phone at +41 22 566 17 32, or by email at


The Swiss Financial Arena

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