Wecan Group

16 May 2024 – Zurich, Baur au Lac hotel
How to optimise compliance data and documents using blockchain


Optimize the management of your compliance data and documents.
Find out more about the Wecan initiative and the numerous Swiss financial institutions that are involved.

As regulatory requirements continue to increase, a key challenge is to manage data and documents while protecting against the threat of cyber attacks.
Wecan has co-created a solution with leading players in the Wealth Management space that enables banks, independent asset managers and trustees to securely collect, store and share compliance data.

Thanks to industry standards, data can be shared in just one click, whether for new onboardings, annual reviews or audits.



08:30  Welcome and breakfast

09:00  Introduction speech by Philippe Reynier, CEO, Wecan Group

09:15   History of a major industry initiative

09:30  Panel discussion:
Christophe Locher, Business Development, BIL Suisse SA
Markus von Holzen, Deputy Managing Partner, Clarus Capital
Martial Parent, Head Governance & Process Management Intermediaries Switzerland, Julius Baer

10:00   Closing words by Philippe Reynier, CEO, Wecan Group

10:30   End of the event

Company profile: Wecan Group
Wecan Group is a Swiss company working with over 100 financial institutions (e.g. Pictet, Julius Bär, Lombard Odier and Edmond de Rothschild). Wecan provide a suite of products designed to manage and securely share data while ensuring compliance, with the added benefit of blockchain auditability and cyber-security.






16 May 2024


08:30 – 10:15


Baur au Lac hotel
Talstrasse 1, 8001 Zürich


Event for professionals only.
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